bville55.jpg (110077 bytes)

This must be a funeral at the Brownville Community Center. My reasoning is that the left front pews have been left empty for the family and the men in the first two rows on the left could be pallbearers since not accompanied by their wives.

Left front row: Pup? Brown, Hill Windel, Clarence Simpson and Joe Langston.
Second row: R. E. Hobson, Company Super Langston
On the right front: Ervin Thrasher
Third row: W.N. Ellis
Forth row: Doc Ellis
I also see Thelma Crossland about mid way back on right.
Can you name any?
This was before they enclosed the upstairs. You can see the projection booth that Billy Ellis and Edward Thrasher used to show movies.

From Doris Elliot Odom